Time tracking data is ideal for project monitoring.
It represents a measure of the project progress and is already available in FrogTime.
It is only a small step to use it for qualified monitoring.

Project Overview

Project Hours Reports and Diagrams

Target h / Actual h Status

Forecast of Completion Date

Forecast of Hours Consumption

Work in Progress Assessment


in FrogTime
Projects in FrogTime can either be separate projects, customer contracts or simply categories on which working hours are collected.

Project Management
on four Levels
Project management is available at four different levels.
In many cases, only standard functions are required (PM-Standard).
Very sophisticated and clever functions are used for complex projects (PM-Plus, PM Advanced, PM-Professional).
PM-Standard 01
Projects Overview
Once a project has been created, the status automatically appears in the
projects overview.

PM-Standard 02
Project Reporting
As soon as time entries are assigned to a project, a project report is automatically created with a right mouse click.

PM-Standard 03
Project Chart
A project bar chart is created automatically with a right mouse click.

Project target/actual comparison
The next step in project montoring.
The success of your project is achieved if working hours are equal or below calculated hours. To monitor this process, FrogTime delivers several functions for project management and execution of work. Target hours can be assigned to previously defined work packages and any deviations immediately catch the eye in the to-the-point overviews. As a user, you always keep up-to-date with the target and actual status of your projects.
Targets for Work Packages
If you have target hours per work package, FrogTime will track your targets automatically.
The picture shows the tracking:
The grey bar ist the target per work package.
Light green bars represent the actual hours.
Red bars are higher than grey bars and are not in the target.

Targets for Activities
If you have even target hours per activity, FrogTime makes it visible.
(colored bars, each color is one activity).
The left colored bar ist the target.
The right colored bar ist the actual status.
The two clored bar indicate immediatly, if hours of activities are in the target.

Forecast of Hours Consumption
The highest level of project monitoring is the prediction of project results.
Based on time data and status information, FrogTime provides a forecast of the expected consumption of hours.

Forecast of Completion Date
The highest level of project monitoring is the prediction of project results.
Based on time data and status information, FrogTime provides a reliable forecast of the completion date of your project.

Contract Claim Management/
Additional Work
Amendments play a key role in successful projects. Amendments such as e.g. standby times or additional work are captured in the time sheet as a time bar with internal and external remarks. Amendment data are transferred into daily reports and project evaluations. The colour of the bars stands out, so that amendments are not overlooked. This ensures that you are well prepared for any discussions with your clients about amendments.
Make sure that you didn't miss any tasks in your project and use FrogTime Checklists as the ideal support! Whether you are dealing with contracts, HSE tasks or other project activities. Checklists can be applied on all levels. Checklists can be accessed by various user groups, e.g. by all project employees, contract management and/or other supporting departments. Checklist templates for different project types can be easily saved.